Hydroseeding FAQs
Working with hydroseed presents plenty of questions. If you have questions about hydroseeding, we have laid out some frequently asked questions to help you get started. If you are looking for someone to provide hydroseeding services, then please reach out to us today.
What Is Hydroseeding?
Hydroseeding is a specialized method of applying grass seed or wildflower seed within a slurry mix to help it take root quickly. This process involves special equipment and techniques to help control erosion on slopes or to revegetate disturbed areas. Due to the special equipment required, it is recommended to seek professional assistance for hydroseeding.
How Much Does Hydroseeding Cost?
In general, hydroseeding costs anywhere between $0.06 and $0.15 per square foot. We can provide you with an accurate estimate for the hydroseeding before moving forward with the process.
How Soon Should I Water After Hydroseeding?
A lawn that has been hydroseeding requires a lot of water throughout the entire growing stage. You will need to water immediately and keep the lawn watered for several weeks after germination.
Can Hydroseed Be Overwatered?
Yes, it is possible to overwater hydroseed, so you must be careful after the process is complete. When watering a freshly hydroseeded area, make sure to keep the mulch bed moist. However, do not water to the point where there is puddling or running of water.
How Does Hydroseeding Grass Work?
There are many seeding options to choose from when it comes to hydroseeding. You can choose a specific grass species or a blend of different grasses. The seed selection should be based on where you live and whether or not the grass needs to have heat, disease, or drought-resistant qualities. Hydroseeding is a fairly expensive process, so you will want it to go right the first time, which is why you should turn to a professional team like the one at Long Island Elite Landscaping. You will not want to do it over again. When you turn to us, we will following the proper steps when installing the hydroseeding. Here are the following steps:
- Perform a soil test. The grass will not grow properly if the soil is too alkaline or acidic. For the grass to thrive, the soil pH should be between 6.5 and 7. If we need to adjust the pH, we use lime, sulfur, or compost.
- Hydroseed should only be applied to bare soil. We will remove any weeds, rocks, or other debris that may stop the seeds from fully reaching the soil.
- Next we will grade the soil about three inches in order to prevent the slurry from going outside the area where it may damage any nearby structures.
- Then, apply a 2-inch layer of topsoil and compost, which provides the necessary nutrients for the new lawn to thrive.
- Prep the hydroseeder by turning on the tool's agitator, which will mix all of the components to a nice slurry.
- Apply the seed using the sprayer and hydraulic machine. The hydroseed mix, when applying, is messy. However, it is a nontoxic mixture, so it is not harmful to anybody.
- Once the hydroseeding is complete, maintain the area by watering two or three times a day. The grass typically begins to grow in about 7 to 10 days. The grass will need time to establish its root system before anyone can walk on the area. In order to stop people from walking on the area, we recommend roping off access for about 4 to 6 weeks. Then limit the grass to light use for the next 3 or 4 months. You want to make sure the hydroseed is fully implanted, otherwise you run the risk of needing to do this process over again. And nobody wants that.
Need Hydroseeding Services?
Hydroseeding is a common service for many home and business owners on Long Island, New York. It is most commonly done in the springtime, since it nicely aligns with potentially being ready for the summer months. However, doing it at the end of summer or in the fall is still okay, since it still has time to grow before winter. Hydroseeding is a complicated process that is best left up to the professionals, because you want to make sure it was done right. Otherwise, it may need to be done again. Request an estimate today to learn more about hydroseeding and how it can benefit your property.
Request Estimate
When you reach out, we can provide you with more details regarding our landscaping services, including our hydro-seeding services. Check out all of the landscaping services we provide home and business owners across Long Island, New York.